What's All This About, Then?
(aka Your Many Questions Indelicately Answered)

(hint #1: scroll down and this won't be as hard to read. You're welcome.)

We go on trips. Road trips. Other trips. But mostly road trips. Sometimes (ideally) long ones. Sometimes not.

Yes, this is the same blog as the one about the Oregon Trail. Yes, it used to have a stagecoach and a dusty feel to it, which went along with the Oregon Trail very nicely. Yes, that was a great trip. That was three years ago. (the blog is still here if you want to read it...it starts here)

So...as we embark on the latest chapter of our roamin' ways, we want to invite you to come along. First, we might get lonely. I mean, we don't really get lonely much, but it's possible. Second, you might miss us. Third, you just might be nosy. And fourth, we are notoriously and and historically bad at sending postcards, circulating photos, keeping up with a scrapbook; as a matter of fact, with documenting our trip in most every way. We figured this might be the 21st century solution. It worked for the last trip, which was (as you know) three years ago (sniff). So we're keeping it going.

We hope you'll pop in, read about where we are, what we're doing, see photos of our adventures, and experience our gypsy hardships (like no room service) vicariously! Most importantly, we hope you'll add your comments and greetings, which we will get when we get to one of our stopping points. Souvenir requests will receive due consideration (Hint #1: Success is highly correlated with tackiness).

For those so inclined (you know who you are), we will also list links to related sites so that you can learn with us as we learn on the road, and maybe visit some of the same sights in the future!

Happy Trails to us all!

Love, Phoebe and Robin

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A.W.O.L., Blog Style

Just wanted to let you know that, after many hours of driving today, we are going to sleep without getting a chance to complete a blog entry either tonight or last night. It's true. I'm choosing sleep over you.

It is likely we will have time to catch up tomorrow evening, or if not, then the next day for sure, as we will be on a second hiatus from the Oregon Trail for a few days, which we will tell you more about on Thursday.

In the meantime, just to hold you (and us) over, here's what might just be my favorite photograph from the entire trip thus far, taken after climbing to the top of Independence Rock in Wyoming, one of the most famous landmarks from the Oregon Trail. That's the actual Oregon Trail in the background (the part that looks worn, like a path). Cool, no?

More to come....


Eastbound Mama said...

Sending the MBPs for you (Missing Blog Police). Great picture--you go girls! It's really cool to see the trail in the background.

Anonymous said...

Can easily see why this is your favorite photo! Excellent shot...can't wait to read the updates when you get to them. (It is still amazing to me that people traveled on those little roads across unsettled country in those covered wagons.)