What's All This About, Then?
(aka Your Many Questions Indelicately Answered)

(hint #1: scroll down and this won't be as hard to read. You're welcome.)

We go on trips. Road trips. Other trips. But mostly road trips. Sometimes (ideally) long ones. Sometimes not.

Yes, this is the same blog as the one about the Oregon Trail. Yes, it used to have a stagecoach and a dusty feel to it, which went along with the Oregon Trail very nicely. Yes, that was a great trip. That was three years ago. (the blog is still here if you want to read it...it starts here)

So...as we embark on the latest chapter of our roamin' ways, we want to invite you to come along. First, we might get lonely. I mean, we don't really get lonely much, but it's possible. Second, you might miss us. Third, you just might be nosy. And fourth, we are notoriously and and historically bad at sending postcards, circulating photos, keeping up with a scrapbook; as a matter of fact, with documenting our trip in most every way. We figured this might be the 21st century solution. It worked for the last trip, which was (as you know) three years ago (sniff). So we're keeping it going.

We hope you'll pop in, read about where we are, what we're doing, see photos of our adventures, and experience our gypsy hardships (like no room service) vicariously! Most importantly, we hope you'll add your comments and greetings, which we will get when we get to one of our stopping points. Souvenir requests will receive due consideration (Hint #1: Success is highly correlated with tackiness).

For those so inclined (you know who you are), we will also list links to related sites so that you can learn with us as we learn on the road, and maybe visit some of the same sights in the future!

Happy Trails to us all!

Love, Phoebe and Robin

Friday, August 10, 2007

By the sea, By the sea, By the beautiful sea

[Tonight's blog provided entirely by Phoebe]

Well, at first, I got up, and I did all that usual stuff. Then I played a whole solitaire game and I won! Then I watched Little House on the Prairie again! It's a good show, I'm very fond of it.
Then we went down to eat breakfast at the hotel.

And we started driving. We heard that there was a sea nearby, so we kept driving. But first, we had to go to the cheese factory! I've mentioned it before--Tillamook cheese! It's a a really famous kind of cheese.

I tasted it. It was very yummy. And there was a kind called garlic cheese. It tasted like garlic bread. And I also tasted cheese curds, which are the cheese before it turns into cheese. Those were my favorite. And we got milk chocolate fudge and caramel fudge. The milk chocolate was for me! I got a surprise bag also. I didn't know what it was going to be until I got in the car.

Then we drove on further. And we stopped by the sea area, by a looking-off point.

Then we drove for a couple more hours, which felt like ten minutes. And we got to the place we wanted to go. It's called Newport, Oregon. And it was really hard to find a hotel. Finally, we found one. It was very nice. And I went down to the beach.

I dug a big hole. It had lots of water in it 'cause it was near the water.

I stepped in a shallow part of the ocean. It was up almost to my ankles. It was freezing! I said "Too cold!" and ran away. Then I came back and stomped in the water. It was VERY windy. I felt the wind blowing in my face-I got sand in my eyes. I tried not to get more in, but I did. The waves weren't so big, but they were beautiful, at least. Mommy will take a movie of the waves tomorrow morning. And there it will be.

Then we went back up to our room. I washed all of the sand off of me and we tried to walk to dinner. We couldn't find it walking, so we took the car. We finally found it, it was only like a couple of blocks away. Then we ate there, and it was yummy. I got clam chowder soup with crackers. They got this BIG bucket of crackers. It was yellow, the bucket, and there were little packages of two crackers each that you could crack.

And we went out and took a little walk around town. There were candy stores all over, but I was going to have some of my fudge that I got at the cheese factory. Then we heard seagulls and we were listening to them, and then we heard sea lions! Everyone was watching them, so we went to watch them also. Finally, we saw them. They were all big. We saw one diving in. Mommy took a movie of one of them and here it is:

And also, we saw people crabbing. I got to pick one up and throw it overboard! Mommy has a picture of it, and here it is!

There was a lot going on today, wasn't there. Well, we got back in the car and we drove back to the hotel. And did I tell you everything? Oh! No, I didn't! I forgot the parts where we went to the bathroom and breathed and did a little bit of yawning. Only one part missed out. I got the hiccups.

Hope you get back to us soon.



Anonymous said...

Wow, you went to the bathroom and breathed and did a little bit of yawning! How exciting! How interesting! How fun! :)

You are too funny, Phoebe!

42pennies said...

I know! How interesting! That's why I said it! That was the main part of the blog last night!

YOU could try to do it also!

hope you get back to us soon


Eastbound Mama said...

Wow--I just tried it and you're right! It was soooooooo interesting. Thanks for sharing that, Phoebe.

(Oh--and thanks for all the other stuff too. I liked it a lot--especially about the ocean and the waves. And the picture of you with the crab. Did it make you feel crabby? Did you make a crabby patty?)

Anonymous said...

That Mama makes good puns, like her mama. It was great reading the wonderful description of the trip by that great !!! writer MISS PHOEBE.
Apple Baby

Anonymous said...

Well, it really would have been a big loss if you had decided not to keep writing after the end of the Oregon Trail, because this was a WONDERFUL day and a WONDERFUL post, Phoebe!! I am so glad to still be reading about Robin and Phoebe's Excellent Adventure!

It was unusual to see you in a sweatshirt after all that hot weather on the prairie. Bet it felt good to jump in the cold sea! First there was mud, then there was sand...wonder what will be next? I loved all the photos, especially the one with the crab! Can't wait to see the movie of the beautiful waves tomorrow.

Did you know that Mama, Uncle Stanley, and I used to watch Little House on the Prairie many years ago, and we liked it too! Actually, first it was a book about life on the prairie in Kansas.

Thanks for telling us about your day!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Sounds like a fun day. What did you enjoy more the cheese or the fudge? I wonder if they ever accidentally mixed the cheese with the fudge? Like you, I like cheese and fudge. I never had cheese flavored fudge, or fudge flavored cheese. What do you think? What was in the surprise bag?

Your busy day makes me tired, so before I get too crabby I am going to take a nap. BTW I have a secret method for getting rid of hiccups. The next time I speak to you I will let you in on my secret method.
Have fun.
Uncle Shelly